Brainstorm Keywords for Articles

  • Due No due date
  • Points 1
  • Questions 1
  • Time Limit None


Before You Start: Get a piece of paper out now so you can take notes during the videos.

To search the library's databases for articles, you have to use keywords, which is a different technique than you may be used to using when you search Google or when you search general databases.  Keywords are only the most important words  from your research topic or question and it can take practice to figure out what are keywords and what aren't. 

Watch the videos below and as you watch them, use the topic you explained in your proposal to brainstorm keywords you could use to search for articles. 

As you watch each video, make notes about how you can use the techniques they describe for your topic.

(After watching: break the keywords you brainstormed into their most basic parts, eliminate unnecessary filler words, and simplify the keywords you keep; add related terms to your list of keywords.)

If you'd like a bit more review about keywords, use this online workshop: Choosing & Using Keywords

The next page in this module will review keywords and give you practice identifying and combining them.

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